Babysitting how much to charge In New Zealand
How do I know how much to charge to babysit?
Several factors affect the answer to that question. The area in which you reside is a major factor. Pay could be from $15 to $19 per hour if you live in a ritzy area. For those who reside in a middle class neighborhood, $10 to $15 dollars an hour should cover it.
How many children you are babysitting should be considered.
Babysitting on nights like New Years Eve can be most lucrative. Years ago for the year 2000 New Years Eve, I babysat 5 children from 5 families, and was paid and was paid $150 per family.
Are you babysitting for 2 or more families?
Are you babysitting at your home or theirs?
Whose paying to get you home, or does the job involve you staying over and feeding children the next morning?
Your age is also something that has a bearing on how much you charge. Now that I am 18, I get paid more than I did when I was 13.
My best advice is check with your friends to find out what they charge per hour. This will give you a better feel for how much to charge.
Several factors affect the answer to that question. The area in which you reside is a major factor. Pay could be from $15 to $19 per hour if you live in a ritzy area. For those who reside in a middle class neighborhood, $10 to $15 dollars an hour should cover it.
How many children you are babysitting should be considered.
Babysitting on nights like New Years Eve can be most lucrative. Years ago for the year 2000 New Years Eve, I babysat 5 children from 5 families, and was paid and was paid $150 per family.
Are you babysitting for 2 or more families?
Are you babysitting at your home or theirs?
Whose paying to get you home, or does the job involve you staying over and feeding children the next morning?
Your age is also something that has a bearing on how much you charge. Now that I am 18, I get paid more than I did when I was 13.
My best advice is check with your friends to find out what they charge per hour. This will give you a better feel for how much to charge.
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