Friday, October 30, 2009

The Price for Lying

The Price for Lying: "The Price for Lying
PostDateIcon October 22nd, 2009 | PostAuthorIcon Author: John Berling Hardy

People lie so easily these days. There are overt lies, such as how old we are, how much money we make and where we were last night. Then there are the covert lies — lies of omission. For instance, when an executive tells his wife he will be travelling abroad on business but neglects to add the fact he is also visiting his mistress.

Then there are lies of implication – we know, in saying one thing, there is a whole series of implications our listener is likely to make based on their character and previous experience. Of course these do not count as lies in court of law, but they are no less misleading than the other two categories.

An example that comes to mind was when my friend Chris referred to his friend Lex, saying, “That boy, I worry about him. I do my best but I don’t know…”"
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The Price for Lying